Meow you doin'?
We are so glad you are here! Springfield Kitty Cat Shack Rescue is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in the historic neighborhood of Springfield in Jacksonville, Florida. All of our kitties grow up in foster homes. We have adoption events weekly at Pet Supermarket.
Our focus is primarily on taming feral kittens that are too big to go to ACPS and not tame enough to go to the Humane Society.

2024 Adoptions
Springfield Kitty Cat Shack Rescue is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in the historic neighborhood of Springfield in Jacksonville, Florida. Our focus is primarily on taming feral kittens that are too big to go to ACPS and not tame enough to go to the Humane Society.
We offer cats and kittens for adoption and foster. We believe in finding the perfect match, so we ALWAYS take the kitty back if it’s not for you.
As a volunteer-run local rescue, we rely on your generosity to continue saving lives. Please consider donating today!
Please note that we ARE NOT a shelter and DO NOT have a physical location as we are a foster based organization. If you are owner surrendering please reach out to the Jacksonville Humane Society (JHS) or the Animal Control and Protective Services (ACPS).
FOUND kittens & friendly mom? https://www.coj.net/departments/neighborhoods/animal-care---protective-services.aspx
FOUND kittens NOT in distress? https://www.jaxhumane.org/kittenhero/
MEDICAL EMERGENCY? Call Animal Control 904-630-CITY, WAIT on hold, open ticket w/ officer for URGENT medical assistance.
FERAL CATS? https://www.fcnmhp.org/help-pet-owners/trap-neuter-return-program-tnr/